· Mangorei Road/Northgate intersection modifications.
· Modifications to the Waiwhakaiho River Bridge footpaths to enable their use as shared pathways for both pedestrians and cyclists.
· The separated cycle path up the Mangaone Hill on SH3 just past Vickers Road.
· Reviewed and submitted to NPDC on the New Plymouth District Strategic Transport Study. Speak to the Policy Committee in support of our submission.
· Proposed trial of green cycle lane markings on Tukapa Street between Sanders Avenue and the top of Morely Street.
· Coronation Avenue/SH3 southern entrance to New Plymouth pinch point just inside the 50 km zone.
· Following up on the Mangorei Road and Devon Street West audits.
· Watching brief on how NPDC are responding to the barriers to cycling to school reported by St John Bosco School's pupils.
· Meeting monthly with the NPDC Cycling Strategy Implementation team to discuss progress on implementing the cycle strategy.
· Review of proposed signalling changes to the Smart Road/Devon Road intersection.
This work has been generally a mixture of dealing with the NPDC Cycle Strategy Implementation Team, NPDC Roading Assets staff and Transit NZ in Wanganui (as some of these issues are on state highways).
What else is there?
- Support the proposed removal of 12 car parks on Lower Carrington Street that will allow a cycle lane to be installed along that section of the road.
- The Taranaki Regional Council need to be contacted to find out how they are progressing with the implementation of their Walkways and Cycleways Strategy.
- Review the NPDC's proposed cycling infrastructure upgrades that have been through a preliminary design and costing process and are currently being peer reviewed.
- Work with the NPDC Sustainable Transport Co-ordinator when they are appointed.
- Regional cycling maps or a Bike Taranaki booklet.
- Promote school and business travel plans.
- Long Term Council Community Plan update next year.
- Talk to the district's Community Boards on what can be done re cycling in their areas.